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RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” or “Rich Site Summary.” It’s a document specification that allows you to easily collect and organize web-based news and information from websites. RSS reader applications allow you to follow your favorite websites without having to visit each one separately.

RSS代表“真正简单的联合组织”或“丰富站点摘要”。 这是一个文档规范,使您可以轻松地从网站收集和组织基于Web的新闻和信息。 RSS阅读器应用程序使您可以关注自己喜欢的网站,而不必分别访问每个网站。

For more information about RSS, see our article .

有关RSS的更多信息,请参阅我们的文章, 。

We’ve collected some links to good desktop and web-based, free RSS applications.


谷歌读者 (Google Reader)

is a web-based RSS reader that allows you to easily stay up to date with your favorite websites, as well as share interesting items with friends and family. It’s free to use and works in most modern browsers.

是基于Web的RSS阅读器,可让您轻松了解自己喜欢的网站的最新信息,并与亲朋好友共享有趣的内容。 它是免费使用的,并且可以在大多数现代浏览器中使用。

There is also a for Google Reader that installs on your local machine and allows you to read, mark as read, and star items.

还有一个Google Reader ,该安装在您的本地计算机上,可让您阅读,标记为已阅读和加星标。


FeedDemon (FeedDemon)

is a very popular RSS reader for Windows, that allows you to easily stay up-to-date with the latest news and information from your favorite websites. It synchronizes with Google Reader so you can sync your information among various locations. Use keywords to tag items, marking them as read. FeedDemon will also notify you when your keywords appear in any feed to which you are subscribed or even feeds to which you are not subscribed. You can also subscribe to secure feeds that require a username and password.

是Windows上非常流行的RSS阅读器,它使您可以轻松地从您喜欢的网站上获取最新新闻和信息。 它与Google阅读器同步,因此您可以在各个位置之间同步信息。 使用关键字标记项目,将其标记为已读。 当您的关键字出现在您订阅的任何供稿中,甚至没有订阅的供稿中时,FeedDemon也会通知您。 您还可以订阅需要用户名和密码的安全供稿。

FeedDemon also allows you to automatically download podcasts and transfer them to a media device.


For more information about FeedDemon, see our .

有关FeedDemon的更多信息,请参见我们的 。


资讯阅读器 (Feedreader)

is a simple RSS reader that supports all mainstream feed formats on market today and allows you to easily subscribe to a large number of feeds, automatically downloading the updates. It has an option to open links within feeds in an external browser. Use keywords to filter your feeds and find information relevant to you. You can also combine multiple information streams into a single feed for better readability, as well as organize your feeds using nested folders.

是一种简单的RSS阅读器,支持当今市场上所有主流的feed格式,并允许您轻松订阅大量feed,并自动下载更新。 它具有在外部浏览器中打开源中的链接的选项。 使用关键字过滤供稿并查找与您相关的信息。 您还可以将多个信息流合并为一个提要,以提高可读性,并使用嵌套文件夹来组织提要。

Feedreader can also learn how often each feed updates and dynamically trigger each feed to update only when needed. It can also automatically download enclosures and podcasts attached to articles.

Feedreader还可以了解每个Feed更新的频率,并动态触发每个Feed仅在需要时进行更新。 它还可以自动下载附加到文章的附件和播客。

Feedreader is also available as an , as well as in a portable version.




is a free, platform-independent RSS reader that allows you to gather, update, store, and organize information from your favorite websites that support RSS. You can save selected information in various formats for offline viewing and sharing. RSSOwl allows you to synchronize your RSS subscriptions and articles with your Google Reader account.

是一个免费的,独立于平台的RSS阅读器,可让您从最喜欢的支持RSS的网站收集,更新,存储和组织信息。 您可以将选定的信息保存为各种格式,以供离线查看和共享。 RSSOwl允许您将RSS订阅和文章与Google Reader帐户同步。

News feeds can be viewed side-by-side using multiple tabs, and you can open as many tabs as you like. The internal browser allows you to open the full content of an article from a feed.

可以使用多个选项卡并排查看新闻源,并且您可以根据需要打开任意多个选项卡。 内部浏览器使您可以从源中打开文章的全部内容。

Easily organize your feeds by grouping them by based on a specific attribute, such as by date, author, category, feed, and more.


RSSOwl runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X and supports many languages.

RSSOwl在Windows,Linux和Mac OS X上运行,并支持多种语言。


好消息 (GreatNews)

is a fast, free RSS reader that supports full page reading, so you can quickly scan through articles. You have full control over how many articles are displayed at once.

是一种快速,免费的RSS阅读器,支持全页阅读,因此您可以快速浏览文章。 您可以完全控制一次显示多少篇文章。

You can avoid flashing ads and banners using the built-in display styles, providing for a clean and simple layout for reading.


Use labels to organize your articles, so you can view all items with the same label at once as if they were listed in the same folder. Labels also allow you to retrieve articles later with a single click. GreatNews also stores all your favorite articles locally, so you can view them when a site is down or being updated.

使用标签来组织您的文章,以便您可以一次查看带有相同标签的所有项目,就像它们在同一文件夹中列出一样。 标签还允许您单击一下以后检索文章。 GreatNews还将所有您喜欢的文章存储在本地,因此您可以在网站关闭或更新时查看它们。

You can import and export all your subscriptions quickly and easily. You can also find relevant information easily using the full text search with keyword highlights.

您可以轻松快捷地导入和导出所有订阅。 您也可以使用带有关键字突出显示的全文搜索轻松地找到相关信息。


奥美亚阅读器 (Omea Reader)

is a free, easy to use RSS reader that allows you to read RSS feeds, Atom feeds, as well as newsgroups and bookmarked webpages. It’s also easy to keep your RSS feeds organized and categorized. Use Omea Reader’s custom views to separate your feeds based on certain characteristics and create custom workspaces to divide your feeds into different categories, such as work information and personal information.

是免费的,易于使用的RSS阅读器,可让您阅读RSS feed,Atom feed,新闻组和加标签的网页。 使RSS feed保持井井有条和分类也很容易。 使用Omea Reader的自定义视图可基于某些特征来分离提要,并创建自定义工作区以将提要划分为不同的类别,例如工作信息和个人信息。

With the browser integration, quickly and easily subscribe to feeds directly from within your browser. Omea Reader will find the feed for you on a website, even if you can’t find the RSS link.

通过与浏览器的集成,可以直接从浏览器中快速轻松地订阅源。 即使您找不到RSS链接,Omea Reader也会在网站上为您找到供稿。


人生 (Liferea)

(Linux Feed Reader) is a free RSS reader for Linux that allows you to synchronize your feeds with your Google Reader account. You can also read articles when offline and permanently save headlines in news bins.

(Linux Feed阅读器)是Linux上的免费RSS阅读器,可让您将Feed与Google Reader帐户同步。 您还可以离线阅读文章,并将标题永久保存在新闻箱中。


饲料 (Feedly)

is a free RSS reader available as an extension or add-on for all major browsers, and as a mobile application (iPhone, iPad, Android, and Kindle), allowing you to always stay in sync with your favorite websites wherever you are. If you find an article on one device you want to save for reading later on another device, you can easily save it.

是一个免费的RSS阅读器,可作为所有主要浏览器的扩展或附件以及移动应用程序(iPhone,iPad,Android和Kindle),使您无论身在何处都能始终与自己喜欢的网站保持同步。 如果您在某台设备上找到要保存的文章,以备以后在另一台设备上阅读,则可以轻松保存该文章。

Feedly also synchronizes with all your existing subscriptions and categories in your Google Reader account.



资讯提供通知者 (Feed Notifier)

is a free, configurable application for Windows and Mac OS X that runs in the system tray and focuses on displaying popup notifications when new items are downloaded for subscribed RSS or Atom feeds. You can navigate among the new items using the controls in the popups. Feed Notifier deactivates when your computer is idle to save bandwidth.

是Windows和Mac OS X上一个免费的,可配置的应用程序,它运行在系统托盘中,着重于为订阅的RSS或Atom提要下载新项目时显示弹出通知。 您可以使用弹出窗口中的控件在新项目之间导航。 当计算机闲置时,Feed通知程序会停用,以节省带宽。

Feed Notifier supports all common RSS and Atom feed formats.

Feed Notifier支持所有常见的RSS和Atom feed格式。


网络阅读器 (WebReader)

is a free desktop RSS reader (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X), also available for Android, iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, and PlayBook, that allows you to easily view RSS feeds by headlines or titles, summaries, or full posts. Navigate among items using Previous and Next buttons. Read original content for each item from the website directly in the reading pane of WebReader. Each item is displayed in a clean reading view.

是一个免费的桌面RSS阅读器(Windows,Linux和Mac OS X),也可用于Android,iPhone,iPad,Kindle Fire和PlayBook,它使您可以轻松地按标题或标题,摘要或全文查看RSS feed。帖子。 使用上一个和下一个按钮在项目之间导航。 直接在WebReader的阅读窗格中从网站阅读每个项目的原始内容。 每个项目均以清晰的阅读视图显示。

Save complete articles, including images, for reading offline later when you don’t have an internet connection. You can also easily organize your feeds into folders, and rename, unsubscribe, or move any RSS feed.

保存完整的文章(包括图像),以便以后在没有网络连接时脱机阅读。 您还可以轻松地将提要组织到文件夹中,并重命名,取消订阅或移动任何RSS提要。

WebReader does not sync with Google Reader, but you can import and export OPML files, allowing you to sync indirectly. WebReader requires Adobe Air to install and run.

WebReader不与Google Reader同步,但是您可以导入和导出OPML文件,从而可以间接同步。 WebReader需要Adobe Air才能安装和运行。


淡须 (Awasu)

is a customizable RSS reader that allows you to sync with other feed readers and supports basic podcast management. It also allows you to search channels and filter feed items.

是可自定义的RSS阅读器,可让您与其他供稿阅读器同步并支持基本播客管理。 它还允许您搜索频道并过滤供稿项目。

The free version of Awasu is a limited feature version that provides basic RSS reader features. If you want more features, the Advanced version is $35 and the Professional version is $95. You can on their website.

Awasu的免费版本是有限功能版本,提供基本的RSS阅读器功能。 如果您需要更多功能,高级版为35美元,专业版为95美元。 您可以在他们的网站上 。


新闻模糊 (NewsBlur)

is a web-based RSS reader, also available for the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. It provides real-time RSS, pushing articles directly to you. You can read the content from the original site, the way it was meant to be read on the site, and share items with friends and family. NewsBlur also allows you to hide items you don’t want to view and highlight items you want to read.

是基于Web的RSS阅读器,也可用于iPhone,iPad和Android设备。 它提供实时RSS,将文章直接发送给您。 您可以阅读原始网站上的内容,在网站上阅读内容的方式,以及与朋友和家人共享内容。 NewsBlur还允许您隐藏不想查看的项目并突出显示要阅读的项目。


饲料助推器 (FeedBooster)

is a free, web-based RSS reader that allows you to customize your reading experience and read and access feeds from your favorite websites and blogs that are most relevant to you. Use FeedBooster’s multi-dimensional search technology and filtering options to find items that you want to read.

是基于网络的免费RSS阅读器,可让您自定义阅读体验,并从与您最相关的最喜欢的网站和博客中读取和访问提要。 使用FeedBooster的多维搜索技术和过滤选项来查找您要阅读的项目。

FeedBooster allows you to add single feeds using source URLs and import all your RSS feeds from your Google Reader account.

FeedBooster允许您使用源URL添加单个提要,并从您的Google Reader帐户导入所有RSS提要。


In addition to the RSS applications and websites listed here, we’ve also shown you how to and how to .

除了此处列出的RSS应用程序和网站之外,我们还向您展示了如何以及如何 。

Let us know if you’ve found a useful RSS reader application.





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